Monthly Archives: September 2011

I’m on a DIY roll! =]

Turns out I really like making custom (cheap) decorations for adorning Leo’s Wall! I haven’t made anything intricate, just items that are super simple to create. Today for example, I decided to make something on a bit of an impulse and I ended up making cute little “picture frames” for baby snapshots from 1 month to 12 months. I did spy something similar to this on some website, it might have been on but I’m not sure. Anyways, this is a far more simple version that definitely does not cost a lot to fabricate. All it takes is some printing, some dollar store finds, scissors, index cards and some patience. This took me around 2hours to make, the tedious part was cutting out the labels and tying the ribbons but the end result was worth it! Now I just have to fill in those blank Polaroids with some themed pictures, which will be the hard & cute part! +
+some other stuff =

We also managed to order most of the stuff for decorating for the baby which will be so exciting to put together. So far ordered the paper laterns in a multitude of coordinating colors, and his smila star lamp, printed out cute baby letters to be mounted on the wall instead of wooden letterns, and made some artsy quote prints to put into frames!

The image came out very grainy and pixelated because I just took a snapshot of my screen. The art prints I will post up when I am finished with the whole shebang of decorating! =] What else can I make now?? Hmmm.


Mr. Lionel is becoming increasingly strong and active! He wakes me up in the morning with his tummy moving kicks or jabs, it feels like he is trying to punch his way out of my belly! I think he’ll be ready to come out when it comes around to the end of November =] or hopefully sooner! The sooner the better for me. I have a feeling he may be a hyper active child. I can’t wait to see what type of personality he’ll have, like if he’ll be a rowdy-cry-all-the-time-difficult-baby or a sleep-through-the-night-only-wake-me-up-to-feed-me-baby. I am beginning to get really confused about what the average size and weight of a newborn is suppose to be, but seeing as both his parents were chunky monkey babies, I would be suprised if he turned out  a regular 6 lb bundle of joy. As long as he comes out healthy and strong, any size will be alright with me.


Hi & Hello Again!

Finally got my first official ultrasound from my clinic! Jeezes, it’s about time too! First of all… I’ve been especially moody lately because being pregnant is fun and all the first few months but it’s not a walk in the park anymore. My little Leo is actually due earlier than I what was originally estimated! Instead of being a December baby he will be a Thanksgiving baby, hopefully not literally on Turkey Day but in around Nov. 26 which I am so excited for. It was a pleasant surprise since I had hope he would be due sooner. The only thing though is that the two week difference from the initial due date makes it feel like his D-day is just around the corner. I am becoming increasingly anxious to have everything ready for his arrival, that I am just plain worried. It is hard to believe that I am already 7 months and all of the thoughts running through my mind are about how he may look like, preparing his “nursery”, obtaining all the baby gear needed, and getting lots of adorable baby clothes. I hope that I am ready when he is ready to pop on out into the world.

His nursery is still a work in progress but so far we’ve managed to get his crib set but its nothing fancy.My little “butternut squash” will be comfy in his baby looney crib set I hope. I love the colors on it, its so cuteeeee.

I sort have a vision of how to decorate the wall space above his crib which will be simple and the main colors will be sky blue and pale green, with some dark blue and yellow details!

1. Smila Lamp from Ikea

2. Paper lanterns

3. Wooden Letters

It’s still a work in progress obviously! So much to do in so little time! x]

Ms. Fatty Pants

I just had a visit to my doctor yesterday and learned that I seriously am overweight! I was shocked when I got on the scale and saw what I weighed and my doctor pretty much confirmed that I gained wayyyy too much. =[

I was just beginning to get use to my plump self and now I am just depressed that I let myself go by a gazillion lbs! I have always been sensitive about my weight so this was a huge blow to me. So I was lying down waiting for him to measure my fundal height and he tells me that the measurements keep on coming up higher than expected. My smart comment was that I was probably eating beyond the needed amount. He then proceeded to check my charts and informed me that I gained 12 lbs in the last month alone! He told me that I am not allowed to eat anymore fast food or greasy foods and to stick with proteins, fruits, and vegetables. You’re ideally suppose to gain a lb a week so I was shocked. I had gained triple times what I was suppose to.

Now I am concerned that I will ever get back to the size I was before I had gotten pregnant. I have a drawer full of clothes that I may never ever be to be fit again in my life. I can’t prevent the inevitable weight gain of the last three months either so I won’t be surprised if I manage to gain another 10lbs. Eating healthy is incredibly hard when you just want to get whatever it is you’re craving. Besides you’re going through all this discomfort and sacrificing your body, you start to kind of feel like you deserve any foods you wish for. I was so blinded by my unhealthy cravings that I let my weight and well-being go to the way side.

I have to start eating right because my doctor threatened to send me to a dietician if my weight keeps rapidly increasing and that it is extremely important to be more active. This worries me that my baby will come out overweight or that he wont be able to fit and I might have to get a C-section. This is stressing me overtime. I’m trying to get over this but I have always been so self-conscious it’s difficult.

Other news:
I finally got back to making another set of onesies! With the help of my BF. They look so much nicer on colored onesies than the white ones because the colors of the transfers stand out. They actually take a significant amount of time to prepare for printing and transfer since cutting out the tiny details can become time consuming.

Confessions of a Pregger.


Its been so long since I’ve updated this blog! This is mainly because my prenatal visits have ceased to exist and I am not having any complications besides the usual discomforts. I finally was able to clear my previous insurance off of my record and schedule an appointment on Sept 7, when I will probably be scheduled for a few more tests. Ek! More blood tests….great.

I have to admit something right here and now! For the majority of time during my pregnancy I had dreams of having a little sweet baby girl. In fact, I had several or more dreams where a baby girl would appear to me and they occurred even after I had my ultrasound done. The obvious reason behind these vivid dreams of ” the future” was that I was deeply vying for a girl. I knew I had to prepare myself for news of a boy or a girl so that it wouldn’t be so shocking when I found out. To tell you the truth I was a bit disappointed when the technician revealed to us that the baby growing inside of me was a boy. My emotions were changed for the bettter in the minutes to come when we would watch him tossing and turning. Even though I had initially wished for a girl, a healthy boy is a blessing all the same and I knew I would love my baby despite the gender. To my surprise, many expectant parents have gone through the same emotions I have and they all the same thing: that when you’re baby is brought into this world, you will forget about your expectations and love your baby unconditionally no matter the gender, flaws and all. (Yup, I look up almost everything and anything on Google.)

Now, sometimes I daydream about a little chocolate-haired boy stumbling around in his diapers with cute chubby legs and it is an inviting change to my “girl” dreams. I’m always conjuring up possible gene combinations for his appearance, trying to visualize what he could possible look like. I’m just curious as to if he’ll come out looking predominantly Asian or Hispanic or quite possibly a mixture of both. The anticipation is killing me, furthermore, I can’t wait for his first laugh or smile!
